Tuesday, September 27, 2005Yahooo!!!!! I have just completed the need 8 topics for the e-learning course. So now I nak bayar niat dulu before I take on my next tasks. Monday, September 26, 2005Phew! Just completed 4 out of 8 topics that I need to complete for my online course. But the thing is I need to complete all 8 topics by this Tuesday!!!! Arghhh!!!!! *stressed out* Monday, September 19, 2005Abang & I got married!!! Hehehe..... Updating live from wk lagi.. Actually keje berbukit-bukit, but now tengah mood malas dar.. :P Before I start my long entry, I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to my parents, siblings, my grandma, my aunties, uncles, cuzzins, my anak2 sedara, my neighbours, and everyone who was involved with the wedding. Thank you so much for all of the help and the gotong-royong spirit! Alhamdulillah everything went well despite the super duper heavy rain and that until now I still cant imagine how the front tent collapse during the rain.. Nasib baik no one was drenched and the food was spared.. The only thing that I saw while on my way to the void deck was my sedara mara sibuk2 trying to fix it ASAP. I can still recall how panic I become when the heavy rain came down. I was really hoping and wishing that it would stop by the time Abang's rombongan came. Lagi panic when my sis told me abt the tent that gave way due to heavy rain. What I worried most was how Abang was going to fetch me. The original "dry and tak hujan" plan was that his rombongan will come by the main carpark and ber-rarak to Blk 291D. We didn't think abt "what if it rains" plan at all. Another thing was that between the carpark & the blk, there was no shelter!!! Mcm nak nangis pun ade tau thinking abt it. Calls were made back and forth and after that I got lost in between cos I was busy getting ready. I was reli glad that my sis helped me to settled the issue and now the next thing in my mind was how am I going to that blk without getting drenched. Nasib baik by the time we came down, the rain had mellowed down and I managed to go the shorter route with my abang sedara holding the umbrella for me.. Nasib baik kainku memang singkat.. It helps a lot tau while walking in the rain! Hehehehe.. It was great to see so many familiar faces of my friends from primary, secondary, polymates, online buddies, forummers, B2B babes & keliqs. Thank you for coming and sharing the joyous occasion with us. I'm so sorry that we didn't manage to see some of you who came afterwards and those who had waited for us to come back from Abang's place. Since I was wearing the sanggul lintang, Kak Zana (my makeup artist) had to re-do my hair style from scratch and that was why most of Abang's friends and keliqs didn't manage to see us in the ber-tandang outfit when we were at his place. On his behalf, we were sorry that you guys had to wait for so long and had to rush while taking the photos.. We didn't even have time to eat at his place tau! This was because we had to rush back to my place cos my sis called to By the time we reached back my place was already 5.45pm. Took a few more photos on the dais before heading back to the house to change. Pheww!!!! Penat tau!!!! Thinking back of what happened during 4 Sept 05, I was glad that despite a few hiccups along the way, everything else went smoothly. Finally after 7 years of dreaming, my dreams came true and that now I'm officially hitched to my man! The wedding photos are still not ready yet and as for the studio shots, we are going to chose the photos tomorrow! Cant wait for that! So what other pix that I can share with you guys? I don't want to tell you?. Wednesday, September 14, 2005-Live updating from work- Thank you to all for the well wishes and thank you to those who braved the heavy Lunch time is over now. I promise to update again soon.. This time with Take care!!! |